Initiate Refund

Merchants can initiate a refund by clicking the Initiate Refund button in the Payment Details Page. The refund will only proceed if the refund rules are met.


Process to access refund records on the dashboard

Details Required for Refund

  • Refund Amount: The amount to be refunded.

  • Refund Reason: The reason for the refund, to be recorded in the system.

Refund Rules

  1. The payment must have been successful.

  2. Refunds must be initiated within 7 days of the transaction date. Initiating refunds will not be allowed post that.

  3. Refunds are issued to the original payment method used by the customer.

If any rule is violated, the refund request will be denied. Please reach out to support for assistance if needed.

Refunds Page

The Refunds Page provides a detailed view of all refund transactions:

  • Clicking the Associated Payment ID will take the merchant to the Payment Details Page for that transaction.

  • Merchants can export the refund report in CSV format for a specified date range.

Refund Receipt

Once a refund is successfully processed, a Refund Receipt is automatically sent to the customer. The receipt contains:
