
To integrate the Dodo Payments API, you’ll need:

  • A Dodo Payments merchant account
  • API Credentials (API key and webhook secret key) from dashboard

If you don’t have an account yet, you can get your business approved by contacting the founder or by filling out this form.

Dashboard Setup

  1. Navigate to the Dodo Payments Dashboard

  2. Create a product (one-time payment or subscription)

  3. Test the checkout flow:

    • Click the share button on the product page
    • Open the link in your browser
    • Use test card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Enter any future expiration date and any 3-digit CVV
  4. Generate your API key:

    • Go to Settings > API
    • Detailed Guide
    • Copy the API key the in env named DODO_PAYMENTS_API_KEY
  5. Configure webhooks:

    • Go to Settings > Webhooks
    • Create a webhook URL for payment notifications
    • Detailed Guide
    • Copy the webhook secret key in env

API Integration

Dodo Payments supports two types of payment links:

Simple to create by appending your product ID to the base URL:{productid}?quantity=1&redirect_url={your website return_url}

This link will accept the following query parameters:

  • quantity: The quantity of the product to be purchased. The default is 1.

  • redirect_url: The URL to redirect the customer to after the payment is completed.

    Note: Dodo will also attach the payment id and status as query params when redirecting the customer to this URL. For example, If the redirect url provided is then the below would be the redirected URL for a Successful payment.

  • firstName: The first name of the customer.

  • lastName: The last name of the customer.

  • email: The email address of the customer.

  • country: The country of the customer.

  • addressLine: The address of the customer.

  • city: The city of the customer.

  • zipCode: The postal/ZIP code of the customer.

  • state: The state of the customer.

Note: We also support metadata fields in the query parameters. Just use the prefix metadata_ for any field that you want to pass in the metadata. For example, metadata_orderId or metadata_customerNote.

Optional Disable Flags

The following flags can be used to disable specific fields in the form:

  • disableFirstName: Set to true to disable the firstName field.
  • disableLastName: Set to true to disable the lastName field.
  • disableEmail: Set to true to disable the email field.
  • disableCountry: Set to true to disable the country field.
  • disableAddressLine: Set to true to disable the addressLine field.
  • disableCity: Set to true to disable the city field.
  • disableZipCode: Set to true to disable the zipCode field.

You can directly use this link to redirect your customers to the checkout page from your website.

Created via API call or our sdk with customer details. Here’s an example:

There are two APIs for creating dynamic payment links:

The guide below is for one-time payment link creation.

For detailed instructions on integrating subscriptions, refer to this Subscription Integration Guide.

Make sure you are passing payment_link = true to get payment link
import DodoPayments from 'dodopayments';

const client = new DodoPayments({
bearerToken: process.env['DODO_PAYMENTS_API_KEY'], // This is the default and can be omitted

async function main() {
const payment = await client.payments.create({
payment_link: true,
billing: { city: 'city', country: 'AF', state: 'state', street: 'street', zipcode: 0 },
customer: { email: '', name: 'name' },
product_cart: [{ product_id: 'product_id', quantity: 0 }],



Node.js SDK is available on GitHub.

Python SDK is available on GitHub.

Go SDK is available on GitHub.

For detailed API request body requirements, consult our API Reference.

After creating the payment link, redirect your customers to complete their payment.

Implementing Webhooks

Set up an API endpoint to receive payment notifications. Here’s an example using Next.js:

import { Webhook } from "standardwebhooks";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
import { WebhookPayload } from "@/types/api-types";

const webhook = new Webhook(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DODO_WEBHOOK_KEY!); // Replace with your secret key generated from the Dodo Payments Dashboard

export async function POST(request: Request) {
  const headersList = headers();
  const rawBody = await request.text();

  const webhookHeaders = {
    "webhook-id": headersList.get("webhook-id") || "",
    "webhook-signature": headersList.get("webhook-signature") || "",
    "webhook-timestamp": headersList.get("webhook-timestamp") || "",

  await webhook.verify(rawBody, webhookHeaders);
  const payload = JSON.parse(rawBody) as WebhookPayload;
  // Process the payload according to your business logic

Our webhook implementation follows the Standard Webhooks specification. For webhook type definitions, refer to our API Reference.

You can refer to this project with demo implementation on GitHub using Next.js and TypeScript.

You can check out the live implementation here.